Weld your bones to mine
I need more than regular involvement
I need you to perform a miracle on me
Somehow still the horror inside
Please help me
I don't want to die screaming
I don't know if you can do it
Hold me in a violent grip
Outsmart me
I need something
A vacancy is growing inside me that I can't control
Fuck it
Don't even try
I'll just abuse you
It's all I know
I'm just afraid that I'll hurt you
More than I already have
I wish I could meet a woman that could
show me something
One who could make my blood stop screaming
It feels good to kill a mosquito
A female that sucks your blood
Smashed against a wall, legs broken
I want to fall in love with a woman
One who loved me
One who could show me I could trust her
One who showed me
That I don't have to be on my guard all the time
Don't touch me
I'll feel too good
I'll fall apart
The only thing holding me together is my pain
- triangle
Watch her smoke that cigarette while she sits at the bar. Watch her talk as that smoke wiggles up and down. She can talk and smoke at the same time. Doesn’t that turn your ass on like a motherfucker? Think of her kissing you between puffs. Dropping ashes on your leg as she gives you head between drags. You’re talking to her and she says, ‘wait a minute, will ya motor mouth?’ She pulls out another smoke and lights up. Imagine fucking her, she’s on top riding you. She’s not even looking at you. She’s looking at her nails while she takes a long drag. You call her name; she stares at you and says, ‘what the fuck do you want? Aren’t you ever gonna come?’ Imagine putting on steel cap boots and kicking her as hard as you can, over and over. Imagine kicking in her skull. See the smoke from a million cigarettes come out from her eyes. Imagine smashing her mouth with your fist. Imagine jamming a carton of smokes down her throat. Look at her at the bar smoking, letting cocker spaniels buy her drinks and light her cigarettes.
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